Tag Archives: chicks

A Much Needed Update

10 Dec

Ciao lovely readers! 🙂

This feels incredibly foreign to being doing, especially after being gone for almost two months, but alas, I’m back with too much to say, and so little space to say it!

In a nutshell, my life has gone from mellow to completely freaking overwhelming. Work, school (especially finals), and my social life have left me little room to blog. This very instant is about the only free-time I’m going to see until I end the semester Friday, and head to the glorious Arizona for Winter Break. I’ll keep you readers entertained over Winter Break on the daily since I’ll have nothing to do! 🙂

In fashion-related news, I just got in the mail my Jeremy Scott original Adidas dress, similar to the one Rihanna sported at the iHeartRadio Music Festival! $65 dollars for this $450 bad boy. Be jealous:


In other news, I have partnered with a digital publicity firm in Los Angeles called The Confluence (they’re the amazing people who shared the exclusive Joseph Gordon-Levitt video with me back in September). The Confluence sent me two really awesome CD’s and a book to review, and I have the low-down for y’all:

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(Left to right: Photek CD, Beats Antique CD, and Field Guide to Chicks of the US book.)

Photek is a Grammy nominated DJ based in LA, and his album, Ku:Palm is definitely catchy. I don’t normally listen to drum and bass/house music, but his album had me dancing around in my room. I find his music particularly fun to run to, as well, since the rhythm is upbeat, and easy to keep pace to. If you have yet to listen to Photek’s music, I suggest this album, and my favorite song, “Oshun.” You can find Photek on Soundcloud, Spotify, Myspace, and on his website, www.photek.fm .

In contrast, the music of Beats Antique is much more mellow than that of Photek, but enjoyable nonetheless. Beats Antique finds their roots within world fusion, and their music was like nothing I had ever listened to before. A lot of violin is used with the electronics, and I felt like I was being transported into a different world whilst listening to their new album, Contraption v. II. I highly recommend listening to Beats Antique for a musical refresher. You can find out more about this wonderful group on their website, www.beatsantique.com.

Finally, the hilarious book sent to me, Field Guide to Chicks of the United States, is a surprisingly accurate representation of all women in the U.S. The book’s author, Joe Bovino, spent three years researching women of America to put the guide together. Although the book is incredibly sexist, I couldn’t help but laugh at every page. There is a page dedicated to the stereotype of each woman in the 50 states. For instance, the women in Arizona are what Bovino considers, “sand traps,” and are a 7.5 on the promiscuity scale.

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I am assuming most of my readers are women, but if you’re looking for something to get your man for the holidays, look no further than Bovino’s book.

More stuff to come from The Confluence in the near future, possible giveaways, so keep up to date with this blog!

Remember to subscribe/follow, and tell all your friends to do the same! Ciao lovelies! 🙂

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