Archive | July, 2012

Better Late Than Never!

31 Jul

Hello readers!

I’ve been rather lazy these past few days, and have barely been on WordPress to blog! But have no fear, Sammi’s here…with updates on This Book Will Change Your Life.

But first, my outfit from two days ago:

(Belt and shoes are the same color, though you cannot tell from this thumbnail.)

Okay, so Day Four definitely allowed me to re-visit being a kid again, because it required me to color!! My beautiful art:

(World Coloring-In Day!)

I was required to use green for the countries I have visited (I colored in Taiwan, but it is so small you can’t see it! Ha!), yellow for the places I am going to visit before I die, red for the places I would never set foot in, and blue for where I plan on visiting this year (Italy is blue, but you can’t really tell). Not exactly the biggest life changing event, but it helped map out part of my future!

I am going to skip Day Five because it required me to go out into public, and I haven’t really done so these past days, so I’ll write about it tomorrow along with Day Seven! 🙂

Now, Day Six (today):

(Write the opening sentence of your debut novel.)

This page featured numerous first sentences from various authors’ novels and was rather easy for me to do, because I am currently in the process of writing a novel. Actually, I’m always in the process of writing one but get lost a few chapters in and give up. So I present to you the first sentence of my “debut” novel.

“Above the first floor, hidden amongst the shadows in a corner seat, sat a young, raven-haired woman silently observing the dramatic events unfold in front of her.” 

Please remember to leave feedback and follow/subscribe! Ciao!

It’s the Small Things.

31 Jul

Just a moment ago, the most heartwarming thing happened to me, and I couldn’t wait to come blog about it and share it with you readers. I was in FedEx dropping off a package, and on my way out, I spotted an old woman with a cane slowly making her way towards the door. She had her hands tied up; one with a package and the other her cane, so I paused at the door to hold it open for her.

When she reached the door, she smiled brightly at me, and said, “your parents raised you well to keep a look out for you elders, thank you!” I was so flustered and happy, I could barely put together a ‘you’re welcome,’ but I did, and we went our own ways.

Though our exchange was brief, it made my day instantaneously better. On the car ride back, I kept reflecting on the situation, and cracked a smile at random. It’s funny how the smallest things can make you feel larger than life. Even though I know at heart I am a good person and I always do my best to help out those in need, it is always nice to get acknowledged from time to time.

I’d like to take this time to remind everyone to give back to the elders who have done so much to get our generation to where we are today. If you do good deeds, good things will come to you! Ciao!

On Wednesdays We Wear Pink

Rock Your Pink In The Middle Of The Week!

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